Father Kevin Finnegan — Our Lady of Grace Catholic School

Father Kevin Finnegan

Father Kevin Finnegan


Phone: 952-929-3317 (x9031)
Email: frfinnegan@olgparish.org

As Pastor, Father Kevin is the spiritual leader of our parish and school, and is responsible for implementing the parish mission.  Father Kevin is originally from the Chicago area.  He was educated at St. John Vianney College Seminary at the University of St. Thomas, and spent many years in youth development including serving in National Evangelization Teams (NET) and St. Paul's Outreach, a national Catholic student movement.  He attended St. Paul Seminary and was ordained in 1996.  His years as a parish priest have included positions at St. Edward Catholic Church in Bloomington, several parishes in Faribault, and serving as Chaplain at the state prison and at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.